I am just a mom that is doing her own homework and taking notes of things she learns along the way.
Some of the things I jot down might be common knowledge for some of you, but we are all different and I am sure there are also people like me who start from zero.
As an educator, I now follow this approach in teaching - never assume students already knew something, always assume they knew nothing in the background.
* Specialists *
"It takes a whole village to raise a child." Similarly, transitioning is a team work.
Social worker* Medications *
It is critically important to know what we put into our (child's) body and the short-term and long-term side effects, many of which are yet known due to the first generations of teen trans have not reached their 50s-60s.
Oestradiol pill - a gender-affirming hormone in the form of pills
Sprionolactone - a testosterone suppression medication
Estriol - a sex steroids that would make the penis shrink
Lupron - NO!!!
Puberty blockers - controversial treatment from state to state
* Surgeries *
Except for the chest or breast removal (FtM without puberty blockers), most are *bottom* surgeries. Not all trans choose to have surgeries due to various reason, including affordability and internal desire.
For trans girls (MtF)
Penile inversion - note that only male-born that did not go through circumcision could do thisTesticles removal (disposal)
Erectile tissue removal (disposal)
Phalloplasty (not functional)
Scrotectomy (scrotal tissue removal)
Vulvoplasty (zero-depth vagina and vulva construction using the scrotal and penil tissue)
Vaginoplasty (vagina construction)
Urethra cut short (and placed in female position)
Uterus (ovalry transplant) - this is the future of health care which may allow trans girls to be pregnant
For trans boys (FtM) - including top and bottom surgeries
Bilateral masectomy (chest reconstruction) - by far the most common
Hysterectomy (removing reproductive organs, required for some other surgeries)
Oophorectomy (same as hysterectomy)
Metoidioplasty (clitory release)
Scrotoplasty (crotum construction)
Uretheroplasty (urethral canal creation)
Vaginectomy (vaginal tissue removal to close the opening)
Phalloplasty (phallus/ penis-alike construction using a graft from another part of the body)
Last but definitely not least, there are other things that are optional but could help significantly in emotional behavior.
Electrolysis (laser hair removal using electric needle) - for trans girls
Breast augmentation (silicone or silibreast implants) - for trans girlsFacial feminization (face bone contouring) - for trans girls
Fertility preservation (cryo preservation) - for both
(which could cost $1,000 in the first year and $150-300 for the subsequent years' preservation).